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Welcome to OOG's Sea Stay Back Community!
Creating an International Community to Address Sea Level Rise

Sea Level Rise Viewer.pngSea level rise threatens coastlines around the world, and there is great uncertainty about how to address the impacts that sea level rise will have on those communities. At OOG, we think it is critical that each of those communities has a place to share how they are planning to adapt to sea level rise. Globally, innovations are emerging that will protect the economies, ways of life, and properties that will be threatened by sea level rise. 

Click on the Sea Level Rise Viewer to see how rising oceans might affect your community.

Some communities are focused on building barriers to keep the sea back. Others are utilizing natural resources, such as structured wetlands, to accomodate higher ocean levels. Others are studying planned retreat, effectively giving up portions of their communities to the sea. Each of these strategies and many others deserve to be shared by all communites that will be affected. Whether it is a big city like New York or New Orleans, or a low lying country like Bangladesh where GRID Arendal, a research center collaborating with the United Nations Environment Program, predicts that a 1.5-meter sea level rise will affect 17 million people and 22,000 square kilometers, 16% of the land.

OOG's Sea Stay Back community intends to be the place where the global best practices to address and adapt to sea level rise can be found. It will also identify the organizations and people working on solving the problem, accumulate links to potential sources of funding, and provide a location for sea level rise events.

In addition, this site will contain a Wiki to gather key sources of information about trash, compile a mailing list, and regularly report on the status of solutions to the ocean trash dilemma.


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